Today is a good day

For those of you who know Dallin well you know that he has eczema. Lots of people have it, but the majority of people that have it only get it when it is cold outside, when their skin gets dry, or when their skin gets agitated. And even then it is only a few small spots that don't last that long. It is common in babies and children but they usually grow out of it within a few years.

Dallin is an exception, he has it all the time. It flares up with the smallest of things, things we take for granted. If he is around cats or dogs, lays on the grass, uses scented soap or detergent, washes his hands too much, gets stressed, or even sweats. But Dallin has decided that he won't let it ruin his life. So even though it will hurt for days he still goes out and plays sports, mows the lawn, and helps people move. And on days that he knows I need a break he does the dishes or gives Benton a bath even though the humidity in the bathroom from the warm water makes his skin go crazy.

Everyone seems to offer their opinion on ways to make it go away, and believe me he has tried almost everything. Things like bathing in baking soda or bleach, saran wrapping your skin after putting lotion on it, taking various vitamins, trying every kind of cream available, and many more. But so far, there is only one things that has helped, other than prescription drugs that you only take for 2 weeks a few times a year. And that is UVB light therapy. He has gone to a dermatologist office and received treatments there and after just one treatment he can feel a difference. Within 2 weeks the eczema is completely gone. But he has to go to the Dr 3 times a week to receive those treatments. That take a LOT of time and costs a LOT of money. So you can imagine how excited we both were when we found out that you could get a unit in your home. So we started looking into how to get one. 

After a year and a half, over 125 phone calls and countless hours on the phone with insurance companies, being denied and approved and denied and approved and EVERYTHING in between, look what we got today

When it came I just wanted to cry. I was so happy. After so much work we finally have a way to make Dallin's skin feel better. In about a week he will be able to do whatever he wants and not have to worry about his skin flaring up. Today is a good day.


  1. That is so great! What a relief. It will be so nice for him not to have to worry about making appointments. And it will be so nice not to have to worry about medical bills. It's so great to see that hard work really does pay off.

  2. Oh I want one, I wonder if that would help my eczema? I've had it since I was two, I can totally empathize with him.

  3. Alison, it probably would help. My suggestion would be to go to a dermatologist that has one in their office and try it out. I don't know how severe your eczema is, but if it is bad enough then you might be able to get a home unit, if your insurance will cover it.


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