What a Weekend
We had no plans for Labor Day weekend. I'm sure we would have come up with something fun, but turns out there was something else in store for us. The Thursday a week and a half before Labor Day we got a phone call to meet with a member of the Stake Presidency on Sunday. Hummm.
So we did. Dallin was called to be the second counselor in our new bishopric. Cue, our new Labor Day weekend plans! Dallin's parents were able to fly up here last minute to be here when he was sustained. The kids were really exited to get to spend the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa! We picked them up at the airport Friday evening and ate dinner together at Red Robin.
The next morning while heading to the zoo someone had to use the potty. And it was at the perfect time to stop at Krispy Kreme! Like we really needed an excuse to get doughnuts. Everyone got to pick out their own delicious treat.
We ended up deciding to just buy a membership to the zoo, which means we will be heading back often! We haven't been to the zoo in over a year, and we usually only make it out there once or twice a year so I'm looking forward to going more. Little kids always love to see animals! Okay, "big" kids do too. Benton and Adalyn had to discover the eagle's next for themselves by climbing all over it. I wonder how many kids can fit in that thing!
Here are my three little bears.
The zoo was really fun, especially when there are 4 adults and 3 kids! It's usually just me with the 3 so this was definitely more relaxing. The rest of the weekend was nice. We spent Sunday at church, and Dallin got to go sit on the stand for the first time. Next Sunday it will be just me and the 3 littles on the pew, and in a couple months it will be 4 littles! Just about everyone in the ward offered to help so I think it will be okay. We don't really know how this new calling will change or affect our lives but we feel really good about it. On to new adventures.
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