Museum of Ancient Life

On our last day in Salt Lake City we found a fun little park to spend some time at before heading south to our next destination. It was a bit chilly but the kids loved having this place to themselves and spent most of the time on the see-saws. Adalyn was a bit upset that she didn't have a buddy to go with. Don't worry Addy, give Hudson a year or two and he'll be ready to run, jump, and see-saw with you! This was one solution we came up with that worked for about 2 minutes. Hey, that's enough time right?

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Adalyn did love "holding" Hudson down the slide. Luckily once was enough and she was content to play on her own after that.

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Our next stop was the Museum of Ancient Life at Thanksgiving Point. We've never been there before and the kids really enjoyed it. They of course loved the interactive stations the most. We learned lots of fun facts about dinosaurs and enjoyed playing too.

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This shark was impressive. I don't think I would ever go swimming again if these were still around. Can you image? Hello Nightmare!

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The last stop before leaving the museum is this dig pit, I'm thinking we should have one in our backyard. Complete with dinosaur bones and all. What do you say Dallin? You up for that?

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We loved staying in this yellow house and loved our little stay in Salt Lake City. Good bye yellow house, and hello to Grandma and Grandpa's!

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