I had composed a whole post about our week last week but decided not to post it. It wasn't the easiest week for us. Benton was having more and more meltdowns and I felt like they were triggered from having his binkie. He never wanted to leave the house and every time we did he would call out for his bed. He is only allowed to have his binkie when he is in bed so at random times of day he would go lay in bed for a few minutes. After a major meltdown that started at home and continued all the way to the Dr.'s office I decided it was time to be done with the binkie. I just couldn't take the tantrums anymore. After we got home I snipped of the top of his binkie and left it there for him to find. When nap time rolled around he stuck it in his mouth and realized what happened. He looked at it and said, "Broken." He then threw it and never looked back. I thought there would be more meltdowns about losing it but there wasn't one. I was so impressed! I think it was time to get rid of it.
The meltdowns about leaving the house have also stopped. It is SO nice. The only downside is that he doesn't sleep as much anymore. I have to put him down for his nap later so he is more tired and it takes him a while to fall asleep. That was a battle last week but I think we have figured out a way to keep him mostly happy. He also wakes up around 7 now, as opposed to 8 before. I am hoping that after another week or so he will start sleeping a little more but he probably won't. I guess kids grow up and sleep less.
Just because he didn't ask for his binkie didn't mean that he didn't have a hard time coping without it. He definitely used it to calm himself down. We have been trying to find something else to replace it, last week he only wanted movies. Emmett got his shots on Monday, which is why we were at the Dr.'s and he was cranky for a few days. He also decided to be awake a lot more than he was before. Again kids get older and sleep less. So with all of that together it just wasn't the best week. But it is over and I started to learn how to get things done with two kids. It has almost been easy up until recently because Emmett has been sleeping so much. Now that he is awake I had to figure out when was the best time to get things done. I realized that if something isn't done by 2pm, it probably won't get done. I guess I am out of energy by that time of day. So I try and power through the morning and don't feel bad when I stop at two. Except for making dinner.
Anyway that is life here lately. My kids are growing up and though we have hard days or hard weeks it is still wonderful. They amaze me every day with the things they learn.
That's a pretty clever way of showing Benton there was no more binkie! I'm super impressed! I would never have thought of that.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Brandy. That's such a good idea with the binkie. It's good you've figured out that getting things done before 2pm is what works best. Even though I know everyone's situations are different, I still take mental notes for myself while reading your blog posts. I always seem to find some great ideas.
ReplyDeleteYes, that's when things started getting trickier for me, was when the newborn stops being a newborn and sleeping so much and you have to figure out how to get things done when they're demanding more attention. Sounds like you're getting the hang of it.