Bike Safety
It has been a while since I've posted here. It would have been even longer if it wasn't for the blogger app on my phone. I don't know why it took me so long to download it because I can see myself using it a lot! It is just so easy to snap a picture and post it right when Benton or Emmett is doing something cute.
I've also been thinking about how I blog. My goal is to blog about the things that I would want to remember years from now, and of course to show family that live far away some current pictures. I want to print my blog into a book (something I really need to do soon) and I realized that I might post too many pictures... do we really need 10 pictures of Benton looking for Easter eggs? I mean they are all cute but 2 should be just fine. Otherwise my book would end up being a million pages long. So while trying to figure out a better way to blog and post pictures I guess I just stopped blogging altogether. Oops, that wasn't what I meant to do. Anyway I am hoping to find some ways to make it easier to get everything I want on the blog without posting too much. Do any of you print books of your blog? If so do you do you have any advice (more/less pics, collages, preparing pages ahead, ect)?
Until I figure all that out I wanted to post a little update. On Saturday while Dallin was out with the young men at an activity Benton, Emmett and I went to a bike safety fair. Sounds fun right? Actually it was. We went with my sister and her kids. They had a section of the parking lot blocked off so kids could ride their bikes around. They had a safety obstacle course for the kids to try. But the best part was all the fire trucks, ambulances, police cars, and the police dog that was there. Benton and Atticus loved it!
The tires are huge! And yes I took several pictures of them together and this was the best one. They refused to smile, or look interested. haha.
These crack me up! Their little tiny heads poking through the hole looks so funny!
Dallin and I both have bikes but neither of them have been used in a long time. Almost three years to be exact. Dallin pulled his out the other day and Benton loved it. They've been playing with it for a week or two now. So as an early Father's Day gift we got a bike trailer. Benton thinks it is the coolest thing around (let's see how long that lasts though).
I'm definitely coming to you for ideas for fun outings when Paul is a little older. You can tell Benton gets such a great variety of experiences with all the fun things you take him to and do with him!