Friends and Strawberries

Jill and I have been friends for over 15 years. That is crazy! We meet at school and have stayed friends ever since. We used to get ready for church dances at each others house, have sleepovers, and I think I even have a couple short films we made together. It makes me happy to know that we are still friends and even though she has moved to Texas and we haven't seen each other in two years, we can get together and it's like no time has passed. Everyone should have a couple of friends like that. I'm grateful to have a few too.

Jill and her husband work in the school district so they both have summers off, and since both pf their families live here, they came back for a little over a month. Jill and her girls met me and the boys at a park for a picnic the other day and after that we went strawberry picking. It was so great to see her and her girls. We loved it!

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