27 years and 3 months
Monday was Dallin's 27th birthday and Benton turned 3 months old. It was such a fun day!

Benton just keeps growing and learning so much! He has learned how to grab toys and put them in his mouth, kick toys with his feet and laugh! His laugh is so cute, it brightens my whole day!

He weighs 16 pounds now. My arms are getting so buff!
Benton and I tried to spoil Dallin for his birthday. We went to dinner and got him an ice cream cake. yummo!

And of course got him some things he wanted

Benton is a good helper

A weed wacker and a ladder!

Happy Birthday Dallin! You're the best husband and daddy! Thanks for all you do for us, we love you!

Benton just keeps growing and learning so much! He has learned how to grab toys and put them in his mouth, kick toys with his feet and laugh! His laugh is so cute, it brightens my whole day!

He weighs 16 pounds now. My arms are getting so buff!
Benton and I tried to spoil Dallin for his birthday. We went to dinner and got him an ice cream cake. yummo!

And of course got him some things he wanted

Benton is a good helper

A weed wacker and a ladder!

Happy Birthday Dallin! You're the best husband and daddy! Thanks for all you do for us, we love you!
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