11 Months
One month shy of a year. I can tell it is going to be an eventful month ahead of us! She has taken her first step, and will likely be running circles around us soon. It happened a few days ago and ever since she has kept attempting to take two but she's not quite there. It will be soon though, she is doing so good!
This is Adalyn's very first ponytail! Adorable. He hair is getting long, and beautiful I might add, but it just hangs in her face. Cue the ponytail! I'm thinking it's here to stay.
She loves her brothers, they make her smile and laugh all the time. She is happy to play by them, but happier to get in the middle of what they are doing. She really like to put things in boxes and then dump them out. It is great when we are all picking up toys, she crawls right over and starts helping pick up all while Emmett sings the clean up song.
Adalyn is eating lots of new food. She still prefers baby food but we can add in other things. She eats yogurt, little pieces of meat, and some soft veggies. She also loves to drink smoothies.
She says mama perfectly, in all different tones and volumes. She says dada too, but not very often. It is cute when she does it though. She also loves to snuggle, and we all love it too! Nothing beats an Adalyn snuggle.
She is getting so big!! She looks like a girl version of her big brothers for sure!