Summer Catch Up

It seems as if my blogging has been lacking lately. I accidentally dropped my camera lens (insert huge frowny face) and as a result my picture taking came to a sudden halt. Luckily I have a second lens that I could use when I needed to but it doesn't work for everything. I mainly relied on my phone camera. But I finally ordered my lens and we are back in business! Now it is time to catch up.

Around the beginning of the month we had the Air Show in Hillsboro. This means that loud airplanes fly above our house for three days. It can make nap time a little more difficult, but it is only for three days so we try to enjoy what we can. In a few years when our kids are older we want to take them to the show. One afternoon the kids and I went outside to watch. They literally flew overhead. Emmett didn't last too long, like it said they were LOUD! Here is a picture Dallin too to prove just how close they were.


Another day the kids and I went to a mall that had a dinosaur exhibit. OMSI came and brought some activities for the kids like coloring, seeing and touching fossils, and a live turtle. While that was fun, I think Benton enjoyed seeing the dino (heads) and most of all digging in the sand to find the bones.



Lastly for today I picked up this little mesh thing for Emmett. He can hold the large ring and put the mesh bag in his mouth that has a chunk of food in it. He LOVES it! He gnawed on fruit for about 30 minutes and I didn't have to worry about him chocking. It is great.



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