Swaddled in White

Adalyn is a sweet, calm baby girl. It is so fun to see the differences between your children. I wanted to take a moment to document some things about Adalyn while she is still so new. Let's start with that hair. Oh the hair! I was hoping that my little girl would have hair, but I never thought she would have such dark hair. I love it. It is a little bit curly and has blonde tips. I basically play with it all day long.

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She makes lots of faces in her sleep, and even more when she is awake. Adalyn had big, blue eyes that we love to see when she is awake. She also smiles a lot. So much that we have been able to catch of few in photos. Her smile is so sweet, it makes my heart melt.

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She is a great sleeper. She will sleep right through the boys and all of their noise. I think they have only woken her up once. The days and nights are still a little mixed up but it isn't too bad. For a couple of days she would be in the "I want to sleep, but I want to eat, but I want to be awake, but I have burps, and I need a diaper change, no I don't want to be put down yet" mood from 11 to 3am, but that is changing. She takes 3 to 3 1/2 hour solid naps during the day and sleep about 2 hours at a time during the night.

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I just keep thinking about how different Benton and Emmett were as babies. One screamed the other was quiet, one slept great and the other didn't so much, one had tons of hair and the other had none, one smiled for the camera and the other didn't and so on. Adalyn has some of each of her brothers. She has hair like Benton did (it doesn't stand straigt up thought!) and she is relaxed like Emmett. Something that is all her own though is she doesn't like to be tightly swaddled. She likes her hands to be out most of the time. And while Emmett was a chill baby, this little one is super chill! When she is awake she will lay there contently with her arms completely relaxed for 45 minutes. She is also relaxed in a warm bath.

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This is how you know the photo shoot is over. Adalyn doesn't really cry much though. She will belt out a scream and then be done. She is soothed very easily, she just has to let you know she needs or wants something and then is fine. We love this little baby and are so happy to have her in our growing family. I already feel like she makes our family more complete. We needed her and we are so happy she's here.


  1. What a JOY!! She is so beautiful!! Congrats!!

  2. AuntSue
    What a wonderful, beautiful baby. What a good mother you are to think about the likes, dislikes and personality traits of your babies. Drops of Awesome for you! Joy in Your Posterity feelings!

  3. Hi mom ;-), so nice that you have a blog. Now I can follow from the other side of the world. Your baby girl is beautiful!!!
    xoxo evelien van engeland


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