Jackson Bottom Wetlands
What a beautiful day it was today! We decided to spend as much of the day outside as we could. We headed over to the Jackson Bottom Wetlands just outside of Hillsboro. I have never been there before, and it is only 10 miles away!
Like the goldfish crackers all over his brand new carseat?
In this building they have frogs, snakes, and lots of bird's nests. It was actually pretty cool. And I can see Benton really liking it in a few months.
There are also a lot of trails to walk on and information plaques along the paths.
As you can see the Wetlands were awfully wet today. In fact the water level was so high it cut off all the trails after about two minutes of walking
So we didn't really get that far but it was nice to get outside and walk for a little bit. I think we will go back during the summer and walk along the trails. There are a lot of birds out there so they will be fun to see.
It was so great to get out and Benton really liked it. I have a book called Out and about with Kids Portland, I started looking through it and found TONS of fun things to do here that is free or cheap. I can't believe the number of places to go that I haven't been to here. I grew up here and have never heard of some of these places.
So once a week Benton and I are going somewhere. It is so easy to stay inside and feel isolated especially during the winter. So we are changing that. Some things on the list are visit the Grotto, the Audobon Society (wildlife sanctuary), McMenamins mommy and babies matinee movie for only $3, and much more. I am looking forward to getting out and showing Benton Portland. Want to come? Let me know, we would love company.
He is SO Adorable! He is growing so much.