8 Months
Crawling! Everywhere. That is what we have come to. Adalyn couldn't be happier about it either. She really took off during our trip to Utah. Perfect timing for Grandma right? She is also standing up on everything. And even transferring from one piece of furniture to another. Crazy! She is doing so well. We love this little lady.
I'm pretty sure that she has started to say Mom knowing what it means. Obviously I'm elated. Before I know it she will be saying all kinds of words.
She loves to eat! She eats everything in sight. Blocks, cars, books, magazines, balls, toys, shoes, anything she can find except food! I don't know what to think about this. She won't open her mouth for baby food but if I can sneak a bite in she will eat it. She refuses, I mean refuses to open her mouth for anything, but if by some miracle I can get one bit in she doesn't seem like she doesn't like it. I assume she just wants to feed herself. But she still gags on food pieces so we are kind of stuck. I still try and I hope sometime soon she will give in and start eating food.
Adalyn wakes up entirely too much at night, but she is cute so that makes it better. I hope she will start sleeping for longer stretches of time so this momma can return to some kind of normal.
She is one tough little girl, which she has to be to keep withe her two big brothers! She does so great when we run all over the place for play dates, dance classes, soccer, trips to the library and so on. She just goes along with everything with a smile of her face.
Adalyn laughs when Benton gives her raspberries, plays peek a boo, and dances for her. It is so great to see how much they love her, and she loves them. When they come into a room she smiles and is so happy.
She continues to be a sweet little girl who is happy most of the time. She is so great and we all love her!
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