Sunny Days

The past three days have been bliss. Mostly clear skies with lots of sun. I don't know if it rained once. Benton and I have spent a lot of time outside and we both loved it. Out of the 31 days in March it rained for 29 of them. And it looks like the next 10 day forecast is all rain. ughhhh. But let's not think of that.

Let's think about the past three days. Three days spent in the backyard weeding (yes I loved it, the ground was so moist the weeds came right up!) planting, and playing. It was nice to be able to go out and enjoy the flowers that are blooming. They make me smile.


Especially that little mini tulip in the front there


These fragrant beauties need to be planted all over my yard



I love seeing new flowers and plants growing from out of the ground. And speaking of growing, look at this guy (and that hair, wow, definitely time for a hair cut)


One shoe off an covered in dirt, that's how he rolls


Everyday we were outside I would look over at him and his mouth would have dirt around it, nice. How did that taste Benton? Obviously not too bad if you do it again the next day!



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